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Save Hearing Program

Dedicated to Safeguarding your ears against loud noises for lifelong hearing health.

Hearing is the MOST Important Sense of Five Special Senses

Hearing is one of five special senses we have. Out of five special senses, the most important one is hearing. The effects of life are more with the hearing loss than any other special sense.

save hearing program, maurya foundation, hyderabad, indiaHearing is the basis of human communication. It is the most significant of the ways of communication in which we connect with other people. Those who are having normal hearing cannot be able to understand the problems of those who are having hearing impairment. Hearing impairment leads to social isolation and even withdrawal of many pleasurable activities.


Thus, MAURYA Foundation initiated SAVE HEARING PROGRAM to help protect your hearing and treat your hearing impairment.

Many things in our modern life cause hearing loss. Many of causes of hearing loss can be prevented and many of times can be treated.

Protect Your Ears from Loud Noises

Any sound that is loud enough cause temporary hearing loss,  can destroy hair cells of hearing nerves and lead to permanent hearing loss.

Such noises include watching 2 hour long movies in movie theatres, listening to loud music in pubs, loud music through head phones, Deepawali crackers, industrial loud sounds etc. Constant noise exposure esp. at work places above 90 dB for longer than eight hours lead to hearing loss.

How loud is too loud?

The sound loudness or intensity is measured in decibel (dB) levels. The softest sound that we can hear is 0 dB and 0-20 dB range is normal hearing range. If a person cannot hear more than 20 dB sound means he is having hearing problem.

hearing protection from loud noisesMAURYA Foundation organize education camps to make awareness hearing impairment due to noise among industrial employees, students who are at high risk of preventable hearing loss. we help identify work areas with potentially hazardous noise levels take steps to control noise.

Our team of hearing professionals schedule regular hearing screening tests for employees of industries with high level noise. Wherever our team visits, educate workers on the dangers of loud noise and make sure workers with hearing loss get the proper hearing care to help prevent further hearing damage.

MAURYA Foundation Works BEYOND Noise Protection

You will get the complete hearing care at MAURYA Foundation first time in India. Apart from education about prevention of hearing loss, diagnosis and treatment of all types of hearing impairment are done.

MAURYA Foundation Initiative to CURE HEARING PROBLEM


hair cells produce from stem cells, maurya foundationHearing aids and cochlear implants provides good recovery of hearing function for those with hearing nerve damage. The development of Stem cell from the persons owns skin to repair the damaged cochlea has the potential to restore normal hearing without any type of prosthesis.

When developed stem cells are surgically placed within the cochlea in such a way that they would fuse with the remaining cochlear structures and develop and function as hair cells of hearing nerve. This scientific breakthrough represents a major opportunity to eventually treat a patient hearing loss which otherwise not curable with his or her own cells.

Get your copy of a guide to prevent Hearing Loss