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Therapy for Differently Disabled

Differently Disabled Children Therapy

I Am Differently Abled, Not Disabled

The term ‘disabled’ is often associated with different kinds of mental and physical conditions that often restrict normal functioning in social situations.

differently disabled, diffeerntly abledThis often leads to some separation socially as they cannot cope in the real world. MAURYA Foundation helps their future and makes them cope with the real world. We bring people together to deal with someone who are different from others

Differently Abled vs Disabled

When someone is diagnosed with autism, they are not autistic, they HAVE autism. Their medical condition is not their identity, but their contribution to the society is identity. MAURYA Foundation helps to bring differently abled children into social life rather than seeing them as disabled.

Differently Abled people possess a unique set of abilities and perspectives

Many people who are differently abled are known to flourish and rejoice in life with the right opportunity, support and love. Sometimes, differently abled people hear what we can’t, see what we can’t, and think what we can’t. This different ability makes their ability different; not inferior, not superior – just different.

How can you help?

If you come across a person with different mental or physical condition, provide them unconditional love and support. Try helping them out reach experts at MAURYA Foundation and understand them how life can be changed. Spread the knowledge about the therapies available and the people are waiting to be with you.  You can make the lives of the differently abled easier and happier.

Several non-profit organisations around you are working with differently abled children. You can contribute your time and money. Even few hours a week or a smallest donation can improve hundreds of lives around you. Take action!

Best way to treat the Differently Abled

Differently disables are people just like around you, never feel them like a burden. Don’t be pity them, respect them. Don’t be overzealous ‘helpful’, feel them like normal. Don’t be extra good, be good.

If you are talking to a differently abled child, treat them like a child. If you are talking to differently abled adult, treat them like an adult.

How do you treat a person with a differently ability? Like a person.